With the rapid development of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH) multiple operation platforms, traditional optical network protection is not enough for the newly arising needs. 随着同步数字体系(SDH)多业务平台的日趋发展,传统的SDH保护方式已无法满足现在的需要。
Optical Access Network c network. The Research on Specification of Transmitting Relay Protective Signals by Synchronous Optical Network 光纤通道传输继电保护信息技术规范的研究
SDH ( Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) has some primary advantages such as synchronous multiplexing, standard optical interface and strong network management compared with PDH ( Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy). 同步数字体制(SDH)与传统的伪同步数字体制(PDH)相比,有三大核心优势,即同步复用、标准光接口和强大的网管能力。
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH) and Synchronous Optical Network ( SONET) are now applied worldwide both in carrier backbone networks, by metropolitan service providers and in large scale WANs by end-user organizations. 同步数字体系(SDH)和同步光纤网络(SONET)在世界范围广泛应用于城域主干网,长途通信网和广域网。
Generic framing procedure ( GFP) is a new brand of data-packet transmitting protocol on synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH), as well as on optical transport network ( OTN). It has the advantage of simplicity and multi-protocol adapting. 通用成帧协议(GFP)不仅是光同步数字传输网上的传输协议,而且是光传输网上的新型数据包传输协议,它具有简单、多协议适配等优点。
The result of researching indicates that synchronous optical network can be used to transmit relay protective singnals if it is designed properly. 研究结果表明,只要合理配置SDH网络结构,电力专用光同步网能够满足传输继电保护信号的要求。
In 1984, the Synchronous Optical Network was proposed to eliminate mutually exclusive of the light interface, and it was marked as a kind of brand-new transmission network technology system. 同步光网络(SONET)的概念出现于1984年,它的提出主要用于消除不兼容的光接口,并逐步发展成为一种全新的传输网络技术体制。
In addition, for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH) is the optical network implemented in practice, we proposed integrated monitor for SDH, which has been used in business. 此外,针对目前实际应用的光网络同步数字系列SDH,我们提出综合监控方案,并已实际应用。